
Nucleic acid or amino acid sequences, from import and assembly over multiple alignment to annotation, SNP analysis, primer design and comparison of complete chromosomes.

E. coli functional genotyping: predicting phenotypic traits from whole genome sequences

In this tutorial we will screen genome sequences of Escherichia coli samples for phenotypic traits using the E. coli functional genotyping plugin. This plugin contains public databases for serotype, virulence and resistance prediction, as well as plasmid and prophage detection. An in silico PCR tool is also implemented, making it possible to detect Shiga toxin gene subtypes and virulence genes, mimicking the wet lab PCR.

Cluster analysis of sequences

In this tutorial similarity/distance based trees and phylogenetic trees (maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony trees) are calculated for a set of aligned sequences. Different groups are defined in the Comparison window giving a nice overview of the relationships, the clusters present in the database and the outliers.