Working in the same BioNumerics database from different computers


Is it possible to work in the same BioNumerics database from different computers?


If the computers are part of a network, a shared network location can be used for the storage of the BioNumerics databases. Existing databases that you wish to share can be copied to this data folder. In the BioNumerics Startup screen on each client computer, the home directory needs to be updated. Depending on how you want to work with the databases two options are available:

  1. If the databases will not be accessed simultaneously by more than one user (e.g. when working with a standalone or single-user network license), you can just update the home directories on the client computers to the new network location.
  2. If the database needs to be accessed simultaneously by multiple users (possible e.g. when working with a multi-user network license), a specific setup is required as explained in our tutorial for setting up a database for multi-user access.
Applicable for: 
Version 1.0 - 8.1