Use BioNumerics on different computers


Is it possible to install and work with the BioNumerics software on different computers?


You can install the BioNumerics software on ANY compatible Windows computer, see our software download page for the installation files. How to activate the software depends on the type of license you are working with:

  1. Standalone license: Each standalone license comes with a hardware protection key (dongle). BioNumerics can be installed on multiple computers, but the license can only be used on the computer where the protection key is attached at that moment. If you wish to work with the software on another computer, you will need to attach the key to this computer.
  2. Network license: Single- or multi-user network licenses come with either a hardware protection key or a soft-lock key (virtualized environment solution, only available with BioNumerics Seven), attached/activated on a central server computer. The server computer runs the NetKey+ license server which distributes the sessions to the computers in the LAN that want to work with BioNumerics. Network licenses are available from one up to any number of users. Only the number of users allowed by the license limit are able to run BioNumerics simultaneously. If the license limit is reached, a session becomes available as soon as the BioNumerics application is closed on a client computer.

The same principles apply for our GelCompar II software, except that a soft-lock solution is not available for this package.

Applicable for: 
Version 1.0 - 8.1