Bulk download of PDF tutorials and manuals

Is there a convenient way to download all PDF tutorials and manuals?

The BIONUMERICS support website will be taken offline on December 31st, 2024. From that moment on, support materials such as PDF tutorials and manuals will not be available anymore. We provide a bulk download for PDF tutorials and manuals from the two latest major software versions. All PDF manuals (i.e., the reference manual, all plugin manuals and the installation guide) can be downloaded as a single ZIP archive. Likewise, all PDF tutorials (organized by category) are available for download as a ZIP archive. Simply download and extract the archives that correspond to the software version you are using. This ensures that you have a complete copy of these support materials on your computer for future reference.

BIONUMERICS version 8.1 support materials:

BIONUMERICS version 7.6 support materials:

Applicable for: 
Version 7.6 - 8.1