
Typing of Staphylococcus aureus strains using repeat sequences in the spa-gene. See the spa typing application page for a complete overview.

Installation and setup of the Spa typing plugin

The Spa typing plugin offers extra functionality to BioNumerics to do Spa typing for Staphylococcus aureus. Sequences in the database can be screened for known spa repeats and types downloaded from the SpaServer, data can be submitted to the SpaServer via a synchronization process, and entries can be clustered based on the spa types. In this tutorial the installation of the Spa typing plugin in a new database is covered.

spa typing plugin manual

In this manual you will learn how to install the spa typing plugin in your BioNumerics database, how to import and assemble spa trace files, and how to screen sequences for known repeats and types downloaded from the Ridom/Seqnet SpaServer. Data can be submitted to the online server via a synchronization process and entries can be clustered based on the spa types.